Define positively the present...for a happy future!

Define positively the present...for a happy future!


About Us

Shi Fu Shi Yan Yuan belongs to the 34th generation of Shaolin monks and he is a personal student of the Chinese monk Shi Miao Jie. He has a human centered philoshophy and he will guide you into a simple way of living and thinking, within the Shaolin arts, for a beautiful everyday life.
He has a degree in the field of coaching, health and wellness as well as at physical medicine from the National and Kapodistrian University of Greece. Also has a degree of FDI-APNEA in free diving. He has many years of experience teaching Gong Fu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation Chan and for the last years has been teaching at his own school, Shaolin Center Athens.



Whithin the techniques of Gong Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi people of all ages will find their unique path to wellness, strength and inner peace. Several students all these years have overcome serius health problems through specific practicies that he has developed.The students through his teaching will discover the true meaning of life and will gain their mental and physical health, witch they are very important in the modern world.


Join our journey

The Shaolin arts is for everyone, isn’t a prevelege only for monks. Through the teaching of these methods and techniques Shi Yan Yuan guide you to achive your personal balance in all areas of your life. Whithin deep knowledge of the boby’s needs helps every student find their limits and apply this philoshophy in their everyday life.
Gong Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi aren’t only an exersise. It is the way to recover from the stress of the modern world and aquire healthy habits. Your life has value, make the right choise!